FUE & DHI & Sapphire Hair Transplant
Mikdat Çavdar, MD
Dr. Mikdat Cavdar studied for his medical degree graduating from the Gazi University/Ankara, Turkey, in 2006.
He has been working in the field of hair restoration surgery (hair transplantation) since 2010 and worked as a hair transplant doctor in many clinics in Istanbul.
Dr. Cavdar has over the 10 years of surgical experience and performed over 8000 hair transplantation operations. He does all the steps successfully of hair restoration surgery with the up-dated method and technologies.
He exclusively performs FUE/DHI hair transplantation with dense packing at rates of 35-50 grafts per sq cm depending on the individual case ranging from 2000 to 5000 grafts per procedure.
In additional Dr. Cavdar is also interested in corrective work eyebrow, beards and moustaches transplanting into scars and hairline revision.
He is a member of international hair restoration surgery societies and regularly attends many conferences and workshops around the world every year.
Direct hair implant (DHI technique)
Follicular unit extraction (FUE technique)
Sapphire Hair Transplant
Beards and moustaches restoration surgery
Eyebrow restoration surgery
Female hair restoration surgery
Scar revision
Medical (non-surgical) management of hair loss for men
Medical (non-surgical) management of hair loss for women